Return to in person worship

We are planning to have in person worship beginning July 18 at Centre Street. For at least the first Sunday back, Ontario has announced that the province will move into Phase 3 of the reopen on July 16th. There are restrictions on us in terms of how we conduct worship services. These include:

1. Masks are mandatory for everyone aged 4+. These must remain on for the entire time you are in the building.

2. We are asking those coming to preregister (details below) as there is a limit on how many can attend.

3. If you are feeling unwell in any way, please stay home. We do not want to take that risk. We will have someone screening at the door.

4. We are asked to keep services shorter and simpler. No communion, no children’s time, no passing offering plates, etc. We will have a place to drop offerings on your way in, if you wish. Singing is permitted, but “discouraged”, so songs will be fewer in number, and softer in nature to reduce risk of spread. Service will be informal, and simple- welcome, opening song, some prayers and scripture, a brief message, closing song, benediction.

5. Minimum 6ft spacing is to be maintained at all times. Sorry, no hugging, or hand shaking. Enthusiastic waving is encouraged. Remain in household cohorts.

6. We are asking everyone to use washrooms before coming, and refrain, unless absolutely necessary, from using the church washroom (please only use the washroom off the kitchen).

7. We have consulted with our elevator service, and we will be able to provide elevator service. If you will need the elevator, please let us know when registering.

8. Health unit guidelines do not permit us to offer nursery or Jr Church at this time.

9. There will be no hymnals or Bibles in the pews. If you are someone who likes to follow along, please bring your own Bible. If you have a hymnal you borrowed, feel free to bring it, but it needs to go home with you again. If you’d like to borrow a hymnal, we can make that happen for you.

How everything should go to ensure safety:

1. Beginning Monday, those planning to come may preregister. Either email or call 519 631-1872 and tell us who is coming (names of everyone in the household who will be there). Capacity restrictions will be in place, in accordance with Provincial guidelines.

2. On Sunday, please plan to arrive a short time before. Mingling and socializing is unfortunately not really an option, as we don’t have space in the entrance to have socially distanced mingling.

3. There is one in door, and one out door. Please enter using the North-East entrance, which is the one on the Southwick St. side at the front of the building.

4. Hand sanitizer will be at the entrance, and in other locations around the building. 

5. A screener will ensure you have no symptoms, or possible exposures, and sign you in.

6. Please follow the arrows to a pew (using the centre aisle); we ask that we fill from the front, using every other pew (pews are marked with green tape). Ensure there is a 6ft distance between you and everyone else not in your household. If you are able to use the balcony, please feel free to do, going up the stairs on the east side, and down on the west side.

7. Enjoy the service.

8. When the service has ended, we will empty from the back (back row leaves first, then each pew in order). Again, following the arrows, proceed to the West side, and then out the Centre St doors. If you need the elevator, please wait until everyone else has left.

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